
Entry aritra
Part of speech noun
Explanations in French Convalescence, guérison [1.3]

Entry aritra
Part of speech noun
Explanations in English Endurance, forbearance, patience, continuance. See tanty, zaka [1.2]
Explanations in French Endurance, support, patience, persévérance, constance [1.3]
Simple : aritra, aritro, aritrao, ariny, aritsika, aritray, aritrareo, aritr', ari-, aritry

Entry aritra
Part of speech participle
Explanations in Malagasy Zaka, lefitra, toha [1.1]
Explanations in English Endured, borne [1.7]
Explanations in French Supportable [1.3, 1.8]
 Supporté [1.8]
1Tsy aritro intsony ny ataon' ny mpampiasa ahy ka hiala aho. [1.1]
2Tsy aritro ny hainandro (Je ne puis supporter l'ardeur du soleil) [1.3]
3Tsy aritra anefa ireto teniny kely momba ny tsena ireto: « Izao no lazaiko anareo mpandafo hena. [2.298]
4Kanefa tsy aritra izany fiandrasana izany ka ny fihinanana ny akoho amam-borona no ntao hoe Fotsiaritra izany hoe Fo tsy aritra. [2.508]
Present : aritra, aritro, aritrao, ariny, aritsika, aritray, aritrareo, aritr', ari-, aritry
Past : aritra, aritro, aritrao, ariny, aritsika, aritray, aritrareo, aritr', ari-, aritry
Future : ho aritra, ho aritro, ho aritrao, ho ariny, ho aritsika, ho aritray, ho aritrareo, ho aritr', ho ari-, ho aritry

Updated on 2020/07/31